Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blasts in Delhi-An Obituary

Isnt life so funny? There will be deaths at one place,celebrations somewhere. When news channels are flashing gory news of terrorist attack on Delhi,the other channels are showing romantic movies,soap operas etc. People peeked at news channels felt bad for a minute and switched channels back to have fun,entertainment. Iam not saying that all of us should stop everything and keep crying but Iam trying to highlight that nuthing is making any difference in our lives. We have become so much habituated to all these incidents. It happened in Hyderabad,Jaipur,Bangalore,Ahmedabad... Now delhi. May be tomorrow chennai,day after chandigarh. Who knows???? people will keep dying and we will keep partying,watching TV, having fun till one day we ourselves die in one of the attack. We have to wake up. We have to become strong as a nation to oppose all these attacks. We need to resolve that we wil not allow these cowards to make us their hostages. Then.....may be things will change.
This country needs tight anti terror laws. But besides that, we need strong resolve that we will not allow anyone to take hostage. Why did america not have a single attack after Sep 11. Its their resolve. If we are strong, Iam sure we will hint police about a suspicious neighbour...we will keep eye on ourselves,our surroundings and make ourselves safe.

1 comment:

Neelima said...

I'k common man should help government finding terrorists.