Sunday, August 30, 2009

First time and last time

For everything in life there is a first time and a last time. Everything that begins should end. But what you think as last time or end may not be really last time or end of anything but could be first time or begining of another event. Events may end, but the activity wont end....The feelings wont end...the emotions wont end and the life wont end. It may end in current form but starts in another form. The simplest form of life is a day. Just like a day begins and end, our life begins and end. Just like a new day starts the next day, new life happens. Waking up in the morning is like birth and sleeping is like death. We sleep in the night with a new hope for tomorrow eventhough we donno if that tomorrow really exists or not. Similarly, hope should guide us in our death and only then we can overcome the sorrow of death. Death is not an end but a begining.It all depends on our understanding of the events, activities associated with it and how we take it.

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