Monday, September 15, 2008

New Hero of New India- Rahul

I was in a training on saturday where we were given a case study called " emporer's new clothes". This is a story where two crooks meet an emporer who has craze towards new clothes that they have a wonderful fabric which is so light and make beautiful clothes. They say that the beauty of these clothes is that they will be invisible for idiots . King agrees for that and gives them 2 pots of gold. After somedays king asks his chief minister to inspect the work and report. when the minister visits the crooks, he finds that they are acting as if weaving cloth out of air. Out of fear of being called as idiot, he reports to king that clothes are beautiful. D day comes when king has to wear clothes. He doesnt find any clothes. For the fear of being called as an idiot he undresses and acts as if he wore clothes and starts on a parade. None of the citizens found any clothes but acted as if he is wearing clothes just to avoid being called as idiot by their neighbours. As the parade continues a boy shouts, king is not wearing any clothes and he is naked. This story besides the purpose it is given for, proves that children will not have any fear and will always say truth.

And by the time I returned home, it was being reported on TV about delhi blasts and about Rahul, a 12 year old balloon seller who was eye witness and has given description of the suspects. I think this case is cracked so early thanks to rahul. Just have a look at him. The way and with fearless tone he was explaining the scene of crime,it is amazing. Doesnt we need some of the bravity of this youngstar in us which will help us in avoiding so many terror attacks on ur motherland.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blasts in Delhi-An Obituary

Isnt life so funny? There will be deaths at one place,celebrations somewhere. When news channels are flashing gory news of terrorist attack on Delhi,the other channels are showing romantic movies,soap operas etc. People peeked at news channels felt bad for a minute and switched channels back to have fun,entertainment. Iam not saying that all of us should stop everything and keep crying but Iam trying to highlight that nuthing is making any difference in our lives. We have become so much habituated to all these incidents. It happened in Hyderabad,Jaipur,Bangalore,Ahmedabad... Now delhi. May be tomorrow chennai,day after chandigarh. Who knows???? people will keep dying and we will keep partying,watching TV, having fun till one day we ourselves die in one of the attack. We have to wake up. We have to become strong as a nation to oppose all these attacks. We need to resolve that we wil not allow these cowards to make us their hostages. Then.....may be things will change.
This country needs tight anti terror laws. But besides that, we need strong resolve that we will not allow anyone to take hostage. Why did america not have a single attack after Sep 11. Its their resolve. If we are strong, Iam sure we will hint police about a suspicious neighbour...we will keep eye on ourselves,our surroundings and make ourselves safe.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Save waste- Save India

Have you observed near a function hall or near a hotel or food court in your city where you find huge food thrown away and on the otherside of the road poor people looking t food with moist eyes and moist tongue?

Who says this country is poor? who says we dont have wealth in this country? There is lot but unfortunately we dont have a habit to share the same with the needy.

No....Iam not promoting begging. iam not. Iam promoting prosperity thru sharing little bit of what we have. Is it difficult? let me demonstrate how wasy it is?

If you smoke 5 cigarettes....10 cigaretted a day, can you reduce it by just 1 cigarette a day? If you drink 5 cups of tea a day in office/home, can you reduce 1 cup? How much do you save? 5 rupees. 5 Rupees can feed a needy child in a slum who is looking for milk. 5 rupees per head can help us fund a school/teacher a day in a village. Just imagine what a god your 5 Rupees can do? What have you sacrificed to do such a good- Sacrificing 1 cigarette/ 1 cup of tea.

What is the cost of luxurious lunch you have once a week? 1000 bucks. How many times do you go out in a month? 4 times? Can you reduce it by just 1 time? Saving - Rs.1000. What can your 1000 bucks give to needy? It can feed a family for a month or it can help fund a primary health centre. It all needs sharing little of what we have to the needy and we can definetely make our country far better. I would say we need not even share if we can stop wasting what we have. Switch off your car near traffic signal. How much do you save everyday? Isnt it substantial? Close water taps everyday. Isnt it substantial? Stop food wastage. Isnt it substantial? Just have a walk around food courts in IT companies/ malls and you will find tons of food being wasted every day.

So friends.... my appeal to you is...Save every waste. Save every drop and share with India. Make this country a better place to live.